


So I was literally bored and all I did was watch a video in Youtube. So yeah, I wanted to do some tricks in dance and I’m not a ballerina… (Not my type of dance but I wanna try) So i went searching for some tricks or stunts and this picture is what i did. 🙂 Its supposed to be a straight split but I’m still an amateur but yeah atleast I tried. So this me, Doing an Air split. 🙂 And check it out my position is like the same as the stairs. Ascending Form. Dance is Passion
Dont mind the messy place btw. Sorry 😦




So this is a picture of flowers that i took a year ago. I So LOVE taking pictures a lot. When i see something so beautiful, I just wanna take a picture of it and whenever i see this picture, it reminds me of how beautiful flowers are. So yeahh, a specialty skill of mine. Photography is Love. 🙂